How it Works
Can I book from a hotel?
Yes, no matter the location or time, I can arrive at your hotel when requested. Flying in at 2 am? No problem, I offer 24 hr service on select days. Please mention this upon scheduling your appointment.
*Special requests may be accepted for Red-Eye Flight massages.
Are there travel fees?
It depends. Any distance exceeding 24 miles from Gresham Park, GA - is subject to mileage fees (up to $50 extra). Not to worry though, we will discuss travel expenses before any payment is made.
what should i wear for the massage?
For men typically they dress down to underwear, or nude it all depends on comfortability. And for woman they typically dress down to Underwear or nude as well it all depends on comfortability.
What size of room do I need for the massage?
The area for the bed needs to be at least 6’ x 10’ area. This can be in the living room, hallway, or even a closet if there is space. All we ask is that you choose a clean, quiet, and dark space to ensure full relaxation.
Can I cancel or reschedule?
Yes. You can cancel or reschedule your appointment at any time. We do require at least a 24 hr notice prior to your session (anything after this may be subject to a cancelation fee).